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Monday, December 15, 2008

Rain Bi - Golden Disk Awards Wins

The clip of Rain receiving the Disk BonSang. Details of the awards - Read below. You can see MC Mong & Son Ho-Young etc...

Congratulations, Rain!

1) When Rain gets up, you can see a few familiar faces congratulating him around his table such as M.C. Mong (on the left side of the screen, one w the glasses) and Son Ho-Young (To the right, an ex GOD, the one dancing in the beginning & waving later, the closest one) etc... - Both won an award each. See below.
Yeah. Can see Lee Min-Woo, too.(M, ShinHwa) ;)
(*PS: Sorry. Had a mistake on the description. Must be too tired)

2) The Disk Bonsang is one of the main categories of the Golden Disk Awards.
(Literally, by the words, 'Bon-Sang' in Korean can be translated to 'Main Award.')

But if I have to compare it (=if I were forced to make a comparison) to other well-known Music Awards, it would be sort of the equivalent to the 'Top Artist of the Year Award,' but given to more than one person in this award seems.
So it'll be like 'Top Artists of the Year' (plural!), I guess. :) :)
It's kinda hard to compare it, though.

(DBSK won sort of the equivalent to the Album of the Year - Disk Daesang)


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